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sábado, 16 de abril de 2011

Reforms Scandalous Millionaire and for Members of the house of representatives of the European Union

The reforms millionaire for Members of the house of representatives of the European Parliament are a scandal, want in the current conjuncture of financial crisis and economic world-wide, it exactly wants in a hypothetical conjuncture of wealth and abundance. It is a scandal and it is immoral the taken abuse the handle for the Members of the house of representatives of the European Parliament who it benefits of millionaire reforms, after few years of service. It will be that it makes sensible to speak in a EUROPEAN UNION? It will be that the equality feeling, between its members, exists? After all the problem of the lack of honesty and egoistic and stingy interests is not verified only in Portugal. It sees what it is transferred for this said UE. “Norwegian, Finnish, Swedish, French,….Portuguese! , all to denounce! e to demand HONESTY Already repaired? The European politicians are to fight as wild to enter in the fight as wild to enter in the administration of the UE! E reason? It reads what it follows, it thinks well and it talks with the friends. It sends this for the Europeans who know! , Simply scandalous. The retirement to the 50 years with € 9 000  for month for the employees of I was approved. This year, 340 agents leave for the anticipated reform to the 50 years with a pension of € 9 000 for month. Yes, it read correctly! To facilitate the integration of new employees of new State-Member of the UE (Polónia, Malta, countries of the Eastern Europe…), the employees of the countries old members (Belgium, France, Germany.) they will receive from the Europe one arrests of gold to retire. Reason and who paid this? You and I are to work or worked for a misery pension, whereas those that vote the laws if attribute gold gifts. The difference very became great between the people and the “gods of the Olimpo” We must react by all means starting for divulging this message for all the Europeans. It is a true Mafia of these the High Employees of the European Union…. The European technocrats usufruct of true reforms of nababos… Exactly the national members of the house of representatives who, however, benefit of the “Rolls” of regimes special, do not receive one terço from what they pocket. Let us see! Giovanni Buttarelli, who occupies the position of Associate Supervisor of the Protect de Dados, acquires after only 1 year and 11 months of service (in November 2010), a 515 reform € of 1/month. The equivalent of what it receives on average, a French wage-  earner of the private sector after a complete career (40 years). Its colleague, Peter Hustinx finishes to see its contract five year renewed.  After 10 years, it it will have right about € 9 000 of pension for month. It is simple, nobody asks for accounts to them and them they had decided to use to advantage to the maximum. It is as if to its reform, a blank check was passed them. Moreover, many other technocrats enjoy of this privilege: 1. Roger Grass, Secretary of the European Court of Justice, will receive € 12 500 for month from pension. 2. Pernilla Lindh, the judge of the Court of Lower court, € 12 900 for month. 3. Damaso Ruiz-Jarabo Colomer, lawyer- generality, € 14 000/month.  For they, he is jackpot. In the position since middle of years 1990, they have the certainty to validate a career complete e, therefore, to get the maximum: 70% of the last wage. It is difficult to believe… Its pensions not only reach the limits, but it is enough to them to only 15 years and way to validate a complete career, while for you, as for me, she is necessary to commit suicide with work during 40 years, and soon 41 years.  Collated with the collapse of our systems of pensions, the technocrats of Brussels recommend the allonge of the careers: 37,5 years, 40 years, 41 years (in 2012), 42 years (in 2020), etc. But for they, it does not have problem, the full tax is 15,5 years… Of who we are speaking? Originally, these reforms of nababos were reserved for the members of European Commission e, throughout the years, have also been granted to other employees. Now they already are an entire army to benefit of them:: judges, magistrates, secretaries, supervisors, mediators, etc.
But worse still, in this in case that, it is that they not even deduct for its great reform. Nor one cent of euro, everything is to the cost of contributor… We, contribute all our life and, to the lesser delay in the payment, it is the sanction: acknowledgments, fines, etc. Without the minimum mercy. They, exemption  themselves total of this. It seems that one is to be delirious! It is client, that even though the judges of the European Court of Accounts who, therefore, is presumption “to verify if the expenditures of the UE are legal, made for the lesser cost and for the end the one that is destined”, benefit of the system and they do not pay the quotas. E that to say of all the technocrats who do not lose no chance of if seting in “gendarmes of Brussels” and continue to give lesson of fiscal justice, when has both the hands, until the elbows, in the pot of the compote? In a height where the future of our pensions seriously is compromised by the violence of the economic crisis and the brutality of the demographic shock, the European employees benefit, to our cost, of the 000 pension € of 12 500 € 14/month after only 15 years of career, exactly without paying assessments… It is a pure provocation! The reason is to alert to all the citizens of State-  Member of the European Union. Together, to be able to create a true wave of pressure.  It does not have doubt of that the European technocrats who continue to enjoy to our cost and with total impunity, these pensions. We have that to take them to place the feet in the land. “Sauvegarde Retraites” carried through a rigorous study and very registered that it proves for “+ B” the dimension of the scandal. Already it was used to advantage by measured them. “It proves Here and here".
Reforms millionaire of the Members of the house of representatives of the European Parliament ploughs unprincipled people, scandalous and an insult you all the Citizens of the European Union.

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